Category: Film

  • Troubled in Paradise

    NPR’s Terry Gross interviews Mike White on his fantastic HBO series The White Lotus. White writes damaged characters, scraped with all the asphalt of our own humanity. They careen through their lives inflicting emotional violence on one another. They feel misunderstood, they judge one another, all to disservice a broader narrative. It sounds ugly but…

  • The Cost of Narrative

    In 2004, HBO aired a series called Deadwood, a Western-style show by creator David Milch. Milch’s vision of Deadwood trafficked in all the traditional tropes of the Wild West, but applied contemporary sensibilities to its numerous subplots, making for a compelling narrative. At the time, HBO was well on its way to transforming into a…

  • One Week In…

    One week into self-isolation due to the coronavirus, COVID-19, and I’m working on learning my new Fujifilm lenses — the immaculate 16mm f/1.4 and the 55–200mm variable telescopic lens. Before the great work-from-home experiment began, I also recorded sample interview footage from my X-T3 with a colleague. It was an amazingly educational experience for our…